
Sunday, July 18, 2010

After a month of having extra people in my home I am back to "just " my family. It was great to have my sister, her husband and my older son visiting but it was a lot of work to feed, entertain and go places with 8 people.
We did some fun things and lots of shopping which was fun for me but I am ready to go back to my routine and enjoy my summer peace before I go back to work.
Yesterday I took the kids to the lake and enjoyed reading a good book in the shade. It was very peaceful and rewarding to me.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Larry and I went to Devil's lake in Wisconsin for a couple of days. It was a camping trip and we stayed in the park overnight in our tent. I am not a camper but this was a very fun trip. We hiked the trails, biked and went swimming in this beautiful, crystal clear lake. I am looking forward to go back with the kids, I know they would absolutely love it. It was a great opportunity for us to spend time alone and enjoy nature at its best. The weather was perfect and I truly fell in love with this park.